What it Means to Be In Integrity With Yourself - Ep. #70
I've been reading Martha Beck's book, "In the Way of Integrity."
She says that "to be in integrity is to be one thing, whole and undivided, and that the cure for unhappiness is being in integrity with yourself and your life."
She also says that "the problem isn’t how hard you’re working. It’s that you’re working on things that aren’t right for you. Your goals and motivations aren’t harmonizing with your deepest truth."
Have you thought about what keeps you in integrity with yourself? Are there things that you are spending your time and energy on that do not align with your goals and motivations?
As a Health Coach, I focus on the whole health of a person, not just diet and exercise. I’d love for you to schedule a 20 minute goal and motivation session with me and let me help you get clear about what harmonizes with your deepest truth. The session is free so go to inspiremetohealth.com to schedule.
Until next time…Take Care of You!