Body Fat And the Brain - Podcast Ep. 63

Season #2

Research results show that having lots of visceral fat (that’s fat around the organs) is associated with vascular brain injury and reduced cognitive function. That means that excess fat provides chronic inflammation, which disrupts healthy brain function.

But, here’s the good news – You can eat to beat fat, and the right foods can help you do that.

It is true that food really is medicine. It’s exciting to know that we don’t have to starve our bodies to lose fat. We just have to eat the right foods and in the right portions.

The study of how food is medicine is fairly new, but the science is there and it’s exciting.

If you are interested in how just a little bit of weight loss can make a huge difference in your health, be sure to check out my blog titled Lose A Little, Gain A Lot on my Inspire Me to Health Facebook page

Until next time…Take Care of You!