Physical Stressors Challenging Your Mind & Body - Podcast Episode #38

Season #1

Many times we think that stress is primarily psychological - a matter of the mind and emotions, but have you ever considered the physical stressors that are challenging your body, and, as a result, your mind.

When your body is being supported instead of stressed, you are far better able to find the internal resources to deal with any problem - to be less reactive, braver, more clear headed and more resilient.

If you are feeling stressed, be sure to give your body what it needs. This means cut back on sweets, starches, excessive caffeine, and unhealthy fats. Get some exercise, and treat your sleep as precious.

If you struggle with eating right, and especially with consuming too much sugar, go to Inspire Me to Health to take the sugar quiz to see what you can do to begin ending your struggle with sugar.

Remember to...Take Care of You!