Get Your Mindset Right To Get Your Food Right
Do you find that you turn to food when everything has gone wrong in your life?
This e-book is designed to get you started on the path to changing your relationship with food.
Let's Do This!It starts with Awareness
Do you find yourself eating for every other reason than being physically hungry? Do you find that food is the thing that gives you courage and comfort when nothing else can? The thing is in order to change any habit, you have to be aware of what the habit is that you want to change.

Mindset is the Thing
Do you struggle with eating emotionally? Getting the mindset right is the hardest thing. Figuring out the why around emotional eating is key. When you have your mindset right, your food and your life will follow. Unpacking the "layers of stuck" in your mind will set you on a path to emotional eating freedom.

My Promise to you...
This e-book will help you develop a healthier relationship with food by identifying triggers to emotional eating and help to develop healthier coping mechanisms so that you can learn to live your life with food.
About Me
Jacalyn Poyner
I have been an emotional eater for as long as I can remember. After a cancer diagnosis, I knew I had to change my relationship with food, if I wanted to live.
It took a lot of soul searching and mindset work. This work was not always easy, but it was liberating.
One of the most important things I have learned is that any diet will help you lose weight, but until you address the emotional side, the weight will come back every time.