The Real Benefits of Giving Up Sugar

sugar Sep 07, 2022
Benefits of Giving Up Sugar

Sugar is one of those substances that can be as addictive as drugs or alcohol.

You know when you are addicted to sugar. It just has a hold on you, and when you have sugar you feel that boost of energy for a little while, and then you have an energy slump. It's not fun and it can become a vicious cycle.

There are some real benefits to giving up sugar. I'd like to share some studies with you that might make giving up sugar an easier decision for you:

- Studies have shown that a diet of high-fat and high-sugar can actually change your brain chemistry, which then leads to depression and dementia.

- Studies have also shown that when excess fructose & glucose enter the body they can damage our collagen and elastin, which are two compounds that keep our skin tight and plump.

- Additional studies have shown that having high levels of fructose in your body can increase the levels of triglycerides (which are fatty deposits in your blood) and can cause those fatty deposits to store around your belly area.

As you can see, excess, addictive sugar can have a profound impact on your body.

It is possible to give up sugar, but it does take some work and is easier with a little help.

I'd love to help you end your sugar struggle. Check out The Sugar Vice Workshop on Thursday, September 8th at 6 - 7pm C.T.

Use this link to Join: The Sugar Vice Workshop

I know what it's like to be sick and tired of feeling sick and tired every day of your life. I know what it's like to follow diet after diet and not make progress. I know what it's like to wish that someone would just show you the way. I know that it's hard to get a hold of your health. I have been there and my goal with the Lean6 Transformation Program is to help you finally get the results that you not only want, but also deserve. You deserve to be happy & healthy and live a life where you get to do all the things that you love to do. Let me help you do that!

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