Just What Are Toxic Metals?

toxic metals Mar 29, 2022

Toxic metals are minerals that do not have any known biological functions and are considered poisonous to biological systems. They are often referred to as heavy metals. Six common heavy metals include Lead, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Mercury, and Aluminum.

Here is an explanation of three heavy metals, where they can come from and the symptoms that are associated with them:

Cadmium - cadmium is given off by the burning of petrochemicals, plastics, and tires. Smelters, cadmium plating and battery manufacturing are sources of cadmium as well as tobacco. The concentration in soils has been rising due to the increased atmospheric levels and uses of cadmium containing fertilizer. This of course increases the cadmium content of the food grown in these soils.

Conditions associated with cadmium toxicity include bone and kidney disease, hypercholersterol, hypertension, emphysema, headaches and reproductive disorders. When zinc is low in our bodies, cadmium is often increased.

Mercury - mercury has been found in skin lightening creams, contaminated fish, amalgams, fungicides, algaecides, and insecticides. These have contributed to mercury contamination of foods, particularly grains and cereals.

Mercury accumulates in tissues such as the kidneys, eyes, brain, thyroid and liver. Some symptoms of mercury toxicity include cataracts, weakness of the hands, retinitis, rashes, speech difficulties and joint pain, just to name a few.

Aluminum - excess aluminum can contribute to a deterioration of mental function. Aluminum can adversely affect mental function and bone integrity, as well as inhibit important enzyme systems in the body and interfere with normal immune function.

A major source of aluminum has been through the use of aluminum cooking utensils, aluminum foil, and baking powder. Antacids have been a contributor as well as antiperspirants and contaminated water supplies.

So, what can you do so that these heavy toxic metals don't have adverse affects on your health?

The first thing you can do is take a look at your diet. Try to decrease or eliminate highly refined and processed foods. Decrease your intake of alcohol and stay away from fad diets.

The second thing you can do is address the physical or emotional stress in your life. They can deplete the body of many nutrients, while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilize many nutrients.

The third thing you can do is take a look at the pollution around you and limit your exposure to cigarette smoking (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), antiperspirants (aluminum), lead based cosmetics, and copper and aluminum cookware.

Making small changes like the above can add up to big changes in a healthy lifestyle.

If your interested in testing for heavy toxic metals in your body, reach out to me at [email protected].


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