Eating Your Vitamins

vitamins Oct 18, 2022

Did you know that you can get most of the vitamins & minerals that your body needs from the foods that you eat everyday? Especially if you are eating whole, natural foods.

Here are some vitamins & minerals and the foods that provide them:

Iron deficiency anemia is common in women, especially those who are physically active, but most don't know they're deficient.

A woman needs 18 milligrams of iron each day. The best foods to get that amount of iron in your diet are beef, beans & spinach.

B Vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B6 which are required for energy production as well as folate and B12 which are required for red blood cell production and repair.

Recommended amounts for women include thiamin - 1.2 milligrams; riboflavin - 1.3 milligrams; B6 - 1.3 milligrams; B12 - 2. 4 micrograms. The best food sources to boost vitamin B levels include leafy green veggies and animal protein.

There is evidence that vitamin D can boost muscular recovery post workout, improve muscle weakness and reduce risk of injury.

The daily recommended amount of vitamin D is 600 IUs, if you are not deficient. If you are deficient, the recommended amount is 1,000 IUs per day. The best food sources for vitamin D include fish, eggs, & fish oil.

Getting in the right amount of vitamins & minerals doesn't have to be hard. You just have to eat the right foods, and sometimes take additional supplements.

If you want to be sure if your body is getting enough, a hair tissue mineral analysis can help.

Find out if a hair analysis is right for you. Click the Learn More button below.

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